RESOLVED: Panels inside of panes not triggering panelChop


on touchdesigner 11600 commercial, panels inside of panes do not seem to trigger any changes in a panelchop pointed at the panel .

expected behaviour is that the same behaviour as is observed when interacting with a panel in the panel itself or in a floating viewer would occur in a panel in pane.

Seems to be working in 2023.11880

ah, so sorry, seems the issue is other than I thought it was .

I have a tagged pane I have created via python for my component, it seems that it is this pane that is not triggering the panel chop. I just tested on 11880. but a “normal” pane does . here is the code that creates the pane

class EditorPaneManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.editor_pane = None
        self.original_ratio = None
        self.pane_name = "TDCode"

    def showEditorPane(self):
        if self.editor_pane is None:

    def createEditorPane(self):
        create_pane_op = op('createPane')
        if create_pane_op is None:
            print("Error: Could not find the createPane operator.")

        # Check if the createPane DAT is bypassed
        if create_pane_op.bypass:
            print("Warning: createPane DAT is bypassed. No new editor pane will be created.")

        new_pane = mod(create_pane_op).createEditorPane()
        if new_pane is None:
            print("Error: Failed to create a new editor pane.")

        self.editor_pane = new_pane
        self.original_ratio = new_pane.ratio = self.pane_name
        print(f"New editor pane created with ratio: {new_pane.ratio}")
def create():
    # Find the leftmost pane
    leftmost_pane = min(ui.panes, key=lambda p: p.bottomLeft[0])
    total_width = leftmost_pane.topRight[0] - leftmost_pane.bottomLeft[0]
    total_height = leftmost_pane.topRight[1] - leftmost_pane.bottomLeft[1]
    web_browser_op = op('webBrowser')
    if not web_browser_op:
        print("Could not find TDCode/webBrowser operator")
        return None, None, None
    browser_w = web_browser_op.par.w.eval()
    browser_h = web_browser_op.par.h.eval()
    # Calculate the aspect ratios
    main_aspect_ratio = total_width / total_height
    browser_aspect_ratio = browser_w / browser_h
    # Determine if we need to fit by width or height
    if browser_aspect_ratio < main_aspect_ratio:
        # Browser is taller relative to its width, so fit by height
        ratio = (browser_w * (total_height / browser_h)) / total_width
        # Browser is wider relative to its height, so fit by width
        ratio = browser_w / total_width
    # Adjust the ratio to account for TouchDesigner's behavior
    adjusted_ratio = ratio * 0.97  # This factor may need fine-tuning
    # Round the ratio to 6 decimal places
    adjusted_ratio = round(adjusted_ratio, 6)
    return leftmost_pane, adjusted_ratio, web_browser_op

def createEditorPane():
    leftmost_pane, adjusted_ratio, web_browser_op = create()
    if leftmost_pane is None or adjusted_ratio is None or web_browser_op is None:
        return None
    # Split the leftmost pane
    new_pane = leftmost_pane.splitLeft()
    new_pane.ratio = adjusted_ratio
    new_pane = new_pane.changeType(PaneType.PANEL)
    new_pane.owner = web_browser_op
    print(f"New pane ratio: {new_pane.ratio}")
    print(f"New pane size: {new_pane.topRight[0] - new_pane.bottomLeft[0]}x{new_pane.topRight[1] - new_pane.bottomLeft[1]}")
    return new_pane

ACTUALLY SCRATCH THIS. It was user error!

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