Why did Parameter Execute works only if OP is Noise?
I need to run a script every time a parameter “is” or “is not” 0.
I need to make disappear a player when kinect looses the player and vice-versa
and I want to change a text displayed (for debugging purposes).
Am I doing something wrong?
I have used (in 2 different computers):
TouchDesigner088.Experimental 16260.32-Bit
You need to use a CHOP Execute DAT. CHOP Execute DAT monitors the channels of the Operator.
The Parameter Execute DAT monitors the parameters of the CHOP, not the channels. In this case the DAT is executed because there is an expression in the Noise tx value. If you hook it up to any of the other Operators, and start changing the values of that Operator’s parameters, you will see your Parameter Execute DAT cook.
Also, this would be better in the Beginner section, for future reference.
(as you understood…) I’m quite new to TD.
I write software since mid 80s… but with “old” languages, and this concept of programming is too new for me… or I’m just too old…
It’s amazing, strange and sometimes difficult to enter the proper point of view.
Sometimes I love it… and sometimes I just want to write pages of code to just do the thing I want to do!
But I’m hardheaded!
I feel I can do big things with it!
Sorry for wrong placement of the post.
Can I move it? (or an Administrator?). Or just delete it if you want.
Thank again.
and I’m afraid that this will not be the last stupid question that I will do…