This might be nothing, as I’m a beginner, but i’ve had this issue on 2 pcs, and absolutely can’t figure out what’s wrong.
Playing around with ParticlesGPU with a very simple network (see picture):
There seems to be extra particles being generated at the intersection of the sphere and the default box that is automatically created with the ParticlesGPU tool.
The work around is simply to shift the custom geometry so that it does not intersect with the bounding box, but if there’s anything I’m doing wrong please let me know !
Thank you
What do you want to achieve?
If you make bigger inside in your particlesGPU POS/NEG limit plane then your whole sphere will be in particle generation.
Anything outside the box skips the particleGPU to generate particles.
Im actually just trying to understand the extra particles being generated (in the red circle in my original post picture).
You said that anything outside the bounding box is skiped by particlesGPU. but you can see in my picture, most of the sphere is outside the box and still has particles being generated ?
Anyway, ill take care of the scale of the geometry / box as you said
it’s kind of like that - when particles are created outside the bounds or transform outside the bounding box, the behaviour is controlled by the Hit Behavior parameter.
The default for this is “Fade Out” which means they are visible for a short amount of time but fade away quickly. The default Fade Out time is set to 1 second on the “Render” page.
So inside the box, you see particles being created and going through their normal life time - hence many more particles bunching up. Outside, they fade away quickly…