RESOLVED: Point Sop tx bug?

Think I’m getting a bug in the Point Sop where If you change the tx position to anything else other than me.inputPoint.x all the points in a group will collapse to a single place. For the ty and tz I can drop a Chop reference and the point group acts as expected. I found I can do a work around with something like manually typing me.inputPoint.x + op(‘math1’)[‘chan1’]

Also, if you try to create a point group on a Sop using the “model geometry” option in the Sop Editor window it will crash TouchDesigner.
Build 2020.24520 Windows 10

Also, here is an example file. Currently Point Sop tx is at default trying to change the parameter will show suspected bug.

PointBug.2.toe (6.4 KB)

Hi @Rykel,

the behavior of the Point SOP is correct. You have 2 points in a group that share the same y an z position (via your chop reference) meaning they are just distributed along the x-axis. Assigning the 2 points in your group the x value via a CHOP now collapses both points into the same position. Were you looking to offset points and maybe want to use the Transform SOP instead?

I also can’t replicate the crash - did you get a crash dump file you could share with us?
