Think I’m getting a bug in the Point Sop where If you change the tx position to anything else other than me.inputPoint.x all the points in a group will collapse to a single place. For the ty and tz I can drop a Chop reference and the point group acts as expected. I found I can do a work around with something like manually typing me.inputPoint.x + op(‘math1’)[‘chan1’]
Also, if you try to create a point group on a Sop using the “model geometry” option in the Sop Editor window it will crash TouchDesigner.
Build 2020.24520 Windows 10
the behavior of the Point SOP is correct. You have 2 points in a group that share the same y an z position (via your chop reference) meaning they are just distributed along the x-axis. Assigning the 2 points in your group the x value via a CHOP now collapses both points into the same position. Were you looking to offset points and maybe want to use the Transform SOP instead?
I also can’t replicate the crash - did you get a crash dump file you could share with us?