RESOLVED: pulse with Python not working

op(‘audiofilein1’).par.cuepulse = 1
Doesn’t work. Triggering pulse with python in general such as in Trigger CHOP also fails in this build.

Build 2019.15230 Tested both Win and Mac with same result.

I have not tested 2019.14650, but it works fine in 2018.28120.


Pulse parameters don’t work this way as they don’t hold a state - you need to do:


Having said that, you can drive it with an export so that whenever it goes from 0 to 1 it pulses.

And with the next build, you can bind pulse parameters together.

Now where we document this … let’s see… ahh It is in the Glossary of Touch lingo:

Thanks greg! Yes I’m aware of the pulse(). I’ve been using it the other way in conjunction with run(delayFrames = 1) and resetting it back to 0 to control the state - all this for demonstration purposes in class to explain how pulse works.
Fact is op(‘audiofilein1’).par.cuepulse = 1 worked in previous versions but it doesn’t work in the current version and I am not sure why. So if this is not a bug I’d like to know what changed between versions that affects this.

Hi Emil, You just can’t use it that way as a pulse parameter doesn’t have a state, so setting it to 0 is meaningless. The fact it was pulsing by setting it to 1 with python is a fluke and I’d say simply don’t expect it to work. Recently we have made it work where CHOP channels exported to it going 0 to 1 (use that to teach), and with binding so that with 2 bound pulse parameters, pulsing one pulses the other, so that we now expect it to reliably work always.