I am rendering several parts of a scene (GEOs) using the same camera, but using different Crop settings. It works very nicely having different render TOPs but I thought I could gain performance when using one render TOP and using the Crop functionality in the render pass TOP. But that doesn’t seem to have any effect. Or am I mistaking sth here?
I had to try out again and found out that it works if the Render Pass TOPs and the Render TOP are on the same “level” in the network. I worked with Replicators for each Render Pass TOP because there was a bit more going on inside each Replication. And here it doesnt work. Attached is a file showing what I mean…
Ok got it. The Geometry Parameter in the Render Pass TOP needs to reference one level up: “…/". It’s confusing me that it does show a Geometry at all then if there is only "”?! Well attached the version now working renderPass_replicator.tox (2.22 KB)