RESOLVED: rendering order wonky... (build 9940 pro and fte)

In the attached .toe, I’m using a renderpick DAT to feed a select SOP inside /project1/SAC_3D_Model_Complete/geo1

when I click on one of the pink objects I should have a green version of that object sitting over the original. However, I’m getting a torn-up version of it like in the image below. Does it render that way for others or is it just my machine?

… or is the bug between my ears someplace?

SAC_model_B_touch.56_meshes_locked_ceilings_only.toe (50.2 KB)


touch_render problemSAC.jpg

I havn’t opened the file but it looks like z-fighting to me. They are laying onthe exact same plane but due to roundoff errors on the GPU some pixels are coming through from each object. You’ll want to either bring the green one a little be closer to the camera, or use the Polygon Offset feautre in MATs to automatically offset it for you.

Thanks Malcolm,

yes they are definitely fighting over who gets on top - and if I zoom in close the problem goes away, and setting an offset in Mats mostly fixes it too.

when I offset the poly in the geometry itself (container), it takes a large change in z value to have any effect.

would this be a byproduct of having quite large units of measure? the whole model is about 4000 across because it was imported from some architectural software.

there’s some other weird stuff in this .toe but saving for next message. :slight_smile:


Ya as the units of measure get larger you’ll loss precision. You could try tightning up the near/far plane, or use a 32-bit depth buffer.