RESOLVED: The problem with CHOP operators: speed, delay and hold

Hello! I have a permanent problem with CHOPS operators: speed, delay and hold. This example shows: When I am in base1, I can move the banana with my mouse. When I go to project1, the banana comes back. In this case, this is due to the incorrect operation of the “hold” operator. The same behavior for the operators “speed” and “delay”. Help me please. It has been torturing me for over a year.

TouchDesigner: 2020.23680
OS: Windows 10

Example file

Video description

Hey @gormonboza,

your issue is because of how cooking works in TD.
(read this most interesting page: Cook - Derivative and mainly this paragraph: Cook - Derivative )

Roughly it means nodes in TD only cook when something is interested in their data (for instance, another node, or in your case, you viewing the network when you have /base2 opened in the network editor ). This feature enables TD to run complicated networks in real time.

In your case hold2 was not cooking when you did not view it. I solved this by using a Select CHOP pointing to currOffset (instead of using a script to set the values in lastOffset as you did) and also using a feedback CHOP to prevent a cooking dependency loop.holdDelaySpeedProblem-fix .toe (6.8 KB)


Hola, So here you can find th soluction to my brief explanation on facebook.
I didn t know how i found this solution to hold a value with Constant Chop but i use it a lot, and it same me a lot of operators.
Hope i will work for you, because i report a bug on the version 2020.20020, with Constant CHOP but i was fixed after.holdDelaySpeedProblem1.3.toe (7.1 KB) holdDelaySpeedProblem1.3.toe (7.1 KB)
This file is saved with the last experimental.
And as Nettoyeur said, sometime you have to put a Null CHOP with Always Cook parameter to force it !

Thank you very much! In what follows, I will use this technique.

It’s great! I did not know about such a possibility before. Thank you very much!

Thanx a lot! I had this problem too many times… I never stop to learn