Resort samples based on given ID - lookup merge operation


It seems my eyes are shut to an elegant solution here. I have a given CHOP (null4) with a few channels containing information on moving objects. I want to resort those objects based on their id into a larger array of ids (null3) to arrive to my filled/binned list (rename1) (See image, tox here too)

lookup_fill_merge.tox (3.0 KB)

I manage to solve it with a merge DAT, collapsing columns by name. But very slooooowee. Any ideas? Any lookup CHOP toggle I cant come up with? Splice CHOP?

Thanks for sharing your neurons…


Hey Daniel, great challenge.

I tried, and failed, doing it in CHOP land.
This feature could be a useful add-on to the Merge CHOP or Replace CHOP

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It is very tricky in CHOP land, my next step would have been a c++ CHOP. I moved on to TOP land with a bit of custom shader and the displace TOP, moving my pixels to their binned position on x axis :clown_face: Later on it will all be instanced on GPU…

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