RFE: bit depth parameter for audio CHOPs...

I’d like to be able to reduce the bit depth of audio waveforms in addition to the sample rate.

would this help speed up audio calculations? I often reduce the sample rate way down too because accuracy of 44100 samples per second compared to 60 frame per second is overkill when you just want to bend some geometry or pixels around. so it would be good tobe able to have 4 bit audio to thin out the amplitude data in some cases - and it could make nasty noises which can only be good, right? :stuck_out_tongue:


At a low sample rate I doubt you’d see any speed difference between the different bit depths. 24-bit isn’t natively supported by CPUs so I’d expect that to be slower. Converting to the target bit depth from 32-bits floats (your input data) and converting it back out for output would probably ultimately make it slower.

So for speed I doubt there is much gains.

thanks Malcolm,

if there’s not speed advantage, I can’t think of any other reason I’d want to do it.
