RFE: Capture system audio (like Screen Grab for sound)

I know there are 3rd party solutions (Jack, etc), and hardware workarounds (patching output to input), but it would be nice to have a built in way to capture system audio.

When I’m streaming with OBS, it can capture system audio to broadcast the audio output from TouchDesigner, which is very convenient… As much as I like the default Jeremy Caulfield loop, I would like to be able to easily listen to soundcloud/etc when I’m working on audio-reactive visuals in TD (without using a line-in like I am now).

Audio Grab CHOP? System Audio CHOP? … the name is obviously the most important part :sunglasses:

For build in Audio devices on windows this is a function of your audiocard driver called Stereomix.
howtogeek.com/howto/39532/ho … ord-audio/

Sometimes customized drivers (usually on laptops) disable this functionality but you can get it back by installing the original driver of your audio chip.


oh, ya that works nicely with Audio Device In CHOP, thanks!
… this is why I don’t post RFEs… there’s always some little trick… :blush: