RFE: CHOP text data currently rounding by default.

I ran into a problem when trying to use CHOPs today for precise numerical computation. I was inputting values such as 1.5639 and 1.5638 into a CHOP through a DATtoCHOP. It seems that CHOPs are able to display both values correctly on the Histogram and Graph modes, but all displayed precise text values (middle click, histogram text), are rounded to only show 4 significant digits (showing all my channels as 1.564 down my whole chop line). Adding a DAT at the end of my chop line shows that the accuracy is still there, but I am just unable to see it as a user.

This makes the chop viewers less useful for analysis, debugging and general human use. It would be great if the “Number of significant digits displayed” was a user definable parameter in the Prefs->CHOPs page, defaulting to the current value of 4. Or possibly have a place (maybe the middle mouse button summary) where non rounded actual chop values could be viewed. Until then I’ll subtract 1.5 from 1.5639 etc, at the start of my chop chain so I am able to see the changes in the 5th and 6th significant digit.

This is how things currently get rounded.
Actual Value → Displayed Value
0.003456 → 0.003456
0.023456 → 0.02345
0.123456 → 0.1234
1.123456 → 1.123
21.12345 → 21.12
321.1234 → 321.1
4321.123 → 4321
54321.12 → 54321


Note: A different type of rounding also seems to applied to the Min/Max values displayed in the MMB summary. It seems that those values are always rounded to 2 decimal places.