RFE: let "run" command execute commands not just DATs

I often find myself in need for something like:

run -f 1 table mytable 0 0 hello

or such thing, but basically now I have to create a dat that runs any command, like:

run -f 1 runMe table mytable 0 0 hello

which is a pain because runMe should be a script available throughout the network, kind of like a system script, which I usually define as macros:

macro -p / runMe run $SYS/SCRIPTS/runMe

because of the need to avoid explicit references across components. But then I can’t run the above where runMe is a macro, not a DAT. I could say:
run -f 1 $runMe table mytable 0 0 hello

but then it would be weird…

so I have to create something like
runLater -f 1 -command table mytable 0 0 hello

where runLater is in my $SYS/SCRIPTS folder therefore can directly issue the run statement using runMe …blabla

in the end, it would be so much better if I could just run also a command instead of just a DAT!
