RFE: Lock Value Ladder to Selected Increment Level

Current behavior:

When you begin moving laterally at a specific scale on the value ladder, and then return to zero, it offers the scale-selection mode again where you can move vertically again to select a different scale.


The Problem:

If I am testing the effects of an incrementing value by looking not at the value ladder but at some output (TOP/Render/etc) away from the parameter dialog, I will lose track of when it is back to zero, and if at that point the mouse accidentally moves vertically, it’ll select a different scale, thus disturbing my testing. It is rare that I wish to switch scales. It is much more common that I have selected the desired scale when I began moving laterally.

Desired behavior:

After the initial lateral movement at a specific scale, the value ladder should stay at that scale so long as middle-mouse is being pressed, such that there’s no risk of changing scales if you accidentally move the mouse vertically at zero. To begin incrementing at a different scale, simply release the value ladder and begin anew.

Yes, we discussed this a lot when (re-)designing it ages ago. I think there’s a delay before it changes scale to avoid scale-flipping. If the delay is infinite, that’s kinda what you want.

I just checked and we had chosen .375 seconds as the delay before it would switch to a new scale. You can fish in and change it. In the textport, click the python icon. It will change to T. Now you are in Tscript, the deep dark past of TouchDesigner, Houdini and PRISMS. Type the command

uioptions -o xcfladder.rechoose.delay 10

to set it to 10 seconds, or whatever.


What could really be nice here is if a parameter remembered the last selected increment, and would respond that level of sensitivity when dragging the parameter fader without the value ladder.

This could even be an attribute of the customPar class, something like par.incr, maybe with a lock bool like clamping to dictate whether or not the option could be changed. Could be really useful for setting behavior for very fine or coarse parameters like feedback opacity or particle count

Thanks @greg - what is the scope/permanence of this setting? Current session, saved .toe, or the installation?

EDIT: I just tried this setting and now it’s more glaringly noticeable that the horizontal sensitivity when approaching/leaving the ‘zero’ (ie. starting point) is not linear. Very often, I am trying to swipe back and forth above and below the starting value, so this makes that a bit more difficult.

Basically, between this post and my other one, my experience with the value ladder is that it’s really awesome for setting an initial value that you already have in mind. It is problematic when you’re trying to play with values without looking at the value ladder the whole time you’re using it.

EDIT 2: lol how do I get back to python in floating textport greg? Filed a bug