I seem to recall you used to be able to do this (and I currently use houdini like this as well) - each build of touch gets its own installation. I am needing to jump back and forth between versions due to different projects, but I have to go through an uninstall/reinstall. Was this causing problems for people? Perhaps a safer middle ground might be 2 install targets - one for release builds, and one for experimental.
Hey Matt, you can do this right now with TouchDesigner, but the installer isn’t super smart so you’ll need to do a bit of house-keeping.
1-Install your first build.
2-Install your second build, choosing a different installation location than the default. The first screen in the installer lets you choose this, I just suffix the build number to the end.
3- Now the desktop shortcut will be tied to the second build you installed, so rename that shortcut so you can identify it, again I just suffix the build number.
4- Go to the installation directory of the first build you installed and create a new desktop icon aptly named for the executable install_location/bin/TouchDesigner.exe
5- You may need to reinstall your key in one of the builds if they are far enough apart as somewhere along the line in 077 the key file changed location. You can use the same key for both builds, you just need to reinstall it in the Key Manager.
You now have multiple builds installed with their own desktop icons. They will share the same user preferences file, but hopefully that doesn’t cause you and problems.