RFE: Text TOP and table DATs

please enable direct (1 to 1) reading of tables in the text TOP, i.e. divide the text TOP in a grid matching the rows/cols and fill each one with the text from the matching cell

is there any reason you can’t use a Table DAT or a Text DAT followed by a convert DAT?


I’m using a table DAT as an input. But currently only cell 0,0 is used in the text TOP. The idea was to have it “render” all cells by diving the TOP into cells matching the rows and cols of the DAT (evenly + an option for “column widths as in table DAT”).

It was motivated by the fact that filling an 2d tex array with 512 slices of text is very slow. Using a text TOP to convert a text DAT with 512 lines is much faster, but you quickly hit the 8000px texture size limits.

But I found an even faster way to store/display text labels for my custom network editor, so I currently have no need for this. But I’m sure it can come in handy in other situations