RFID Sensors

Hello all,
I have a project coming that uses the concept of “Pickup and learn” where a video will be triggered when a product is picked up from a table.

The items will be picked up from their own individual bases, so all I need to keep track of is what base the item was picked up from. There will be 6 or so items/base stations that can be picked up from. The same video will be triggered on all of them.

My current plan is to use RFID sensors so I was wondering if anyone has recommendations on which sensors would be best for this.

I have a development kit coming from Nexmosphere in a few days with a few different options, but I’d also like to have an option from a US based company.


you should message Achim Kern as I completed a very large TD project with him this year in which a part of that project was basically this. He knows the ins and outs of the hardware options & limitations.

Thanks for the contact, I’ll reach out!

We really like these products:

phidgets.com/?tier=3&catid= … rodid=1023

Attached is a component to interface with them if you end up getting one.
rfidPhidget.tox (3.33 KB)

Those look great, thanks for sharing that! I got the Nexmosphere Dev kit and it’s working great.

Just wanted to share some tips on how to get Matthews RFID phidget tox started. I was new to Phidgets and struggled to get a connection through Touch. Hope this helps others!