Rotation to Vector happens before scaling. (instancing)

“Rotation to Vector” happens before scaling. (instancing)
And as far as i understand it should scale first.

If its not a bug, How would i achieve such order when instancing ? (not with chops)
translate * rotate * rotate to vector * scale * vector.

[Order Transform problem when Instacning.)

Currently the equation is:
translate * rotate * scale * rotate to vector * vector
As you found out. This was done since that’s the same order that occurs when you use other orientation features in the Geometry COMP itself. However it can certainly be useful to control this, so I’ll look into adding a control to when the rotate to vector is applied

Its super useful!

New feature added in the new release.
well done.

Funny I found your post and my old post DEFFERED - 23400 - geo instances - transform bug posting a new one on similar subjects hehe Win10 2020.25380 - Instances Rotate To Order Bug/Confusion