Running PCSX2 within TD

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to run an .exe inside touchdesigner? I’m new to the software and I’ve been trying to find a way to run a ps2 emulator inside touchdesigner while still being able to interact w/ the gamescreen as I would with any videodevicein or moviefilein, with the game running normally.

Already tried to use obs virtual camera but it didnt work as expected.

I also found this old topic that related somehow to what I am trying to do, but the .toe provided doesnt work.

appreciate any help u can give me!

Hi @glaubertorres,

running an .exe inside TouchDesigner is not possible. What didn’t work with using a virtual camera?


Hi @snaut, thanks for the reply!

Apparently it’s an issue with OBS that other people are facing too.
(Freezing with OBS Virtual Camera as a Video Device In TOP)

I used ‘Screen Grab’ and it worked the way I wanted, thanks!