FIXED:sACN packets seem to be missing a DMX channel

Running 2022.30660 64-bit, Windows 11

Note: I found this old post /t/fixed-099-2017-6800-dmx-out-sacn-packets-off-by-another/8961 which reports a closely related bug and its (partial?) fix, but also seems to suggest that some of that fixing broke OP’s MA setup, so beware.

Also note: This isn’t something that’s breaking things on my end, just something I noticed.

The sACN packets sent by the DMX Out CHOP should contain 512 bytes of DMX channel data + 1 byte DMX start code. However, it only contains 511 data bytes + the start byte, leaving it one byte/channel short of a full set.

Technically, the packet is well-formed and correct, as sACN packets can contain fewer than 512 slots, but I’m assuming it’s intended to support a full 512 DMX channels.

This will be fixed in the next official build we release, 2022.35300+. The bug only affects Packet Per Sample mode so Packet Per Channel mode can instead be used in the meantime to work around the issue. Thanks for the report.