sampling texture-map to colorize instances

dear list
im looking for a way to sample a picture or texture-map to colorize the instanced geometry.
is there a way to that in touch without being the GLSL- coder?
is it over texture-instancing? how to sample the right color from each pixel?
any help is more than welcome!
what a nice piece of software!

attachment with a simple scene, a noise-chop changing the colors of the instances. how to get the infos form a picture?
sampling_color_of_map.toe (1.58 MB)

If you are grabbing samples from a single texture You’ll want to specify custom UV coordinates for your instancing, not use Instance Texturing (which is a different texture per instance)

dear malcom

i thought about that, by uv coordinates picking the color of the map…but… it looks like my knowledge is limited regarding scripting, sadly…
can you give me some more help regarding that?
thank you