"Save backup of external" for Text DAT

please may I ask if anyone else thinks that it would be really cool to have an option to embed backup of external text file into project (so that it could be used as fallback in case file isn’t found on disk)?

Sometimes it would be super nice to have an option to look through old project versions (in backup folder), knowing that they will work just the way they did - with proper old texts in their Text DATs.

Afaik, that already happens with Sync to File. If the file does not exist, the text still is there and you get a warning. Next time you change the “backup” it will be written.

@alphamoonbase thank you very much for info, I don’t know how I missed that. I was missing this functionality quite some time ago and it didn’t occur to me to check current state of this before submitting RFE. My bad :sweat_smile: It is already working as I was hoping for it to work. Problem solved :smiley:

I don’t usually use Sync to File (since I have developed a habit of opening a scene, experimenting with it, breaking a lot of stuff, then discarding it once I realize it is a dead end - knowing I could just close it and everything goes back the way it was). However I have now tried this also with Write on Toe Save & Load on Start options enabled and it works the same way (throws an error instead of warning but that is fine too). Its like finding some forgotten gift :smiley: Thanks once again

That is where git comes in to play. Makes it super easy to manage this exact situation, create a new branch, play around, reverted changes, and merge them back if you found a good way.


Yes, this is exactly what I would like to start doing instead this habit, thanks :slight_smile: