Saved TOE file refuses to reload

I have a TOE file that works fine, it controls DMX through ARTNET, and two projectors. It takes audio from either line in, mp3 or video file. Just recently I am unable to open the saved file. How can I debug the issue further? A crash file is saved and the symptoms come in two forms.

  1. The file attempts to open but stops at 99%

  2. The file attempts to open then promptly shuts TouchDesigner down and saves a CrashAutoSave file.

Hello @AdamDShort,

Could you please share with us:

  • your original .toe file
  • CrashAutoSave
  • and .dmp file (it should be generated along the CrashAutoSave)


@AdamDShort Hi Adam, just following up did you ever get a crash file for us to check for you?

Sorry, didn’t see the follow up response, will have to check my mail settings. I did not get a crash report, however I did remove the version I was running, at the time it was the latest “experimental”, and installed the release version available from the website. The problem has resolved so it must be something to do with the current experimental version. Is there anything you want me to try here?

Just checked the old folder and can see several crash autosave files but no DMP files? What would the location be? They may still be here.

If it still hangs on start with 2020.45520, we would like to take a look at your problematic .toe file to fix it. If it is a file you would rather not share on the forum, please send it to

FYI, just a tip, the new installer let’s you install multiple builds in parallel. You can use the “Custom Install” options to also give it a tagged name like ‘experimental’ and easily bounce between official and experimental using the ‘Open With…’ menu.