Scaling items in Copy from a Template

Dear TD’s:

I have been trying to scale some items along a curve with the copy SOP but I cannot get what I’m looking for. I have a box being copied along a template and what I want is to scale each box independently. I have tried using stamps but cannot figure out the right way to do it… without a template is easy to achieve this by using the transform cumulative option, but with a template is not so obvious to me

Can someone help me?

ScalingQuestion.toe (5.6 KB)

I’d move away from using the copy SOP for this unless it’s absolutely necessary.

The copy SOP is very powerful, and can do some really beautiful operations, but is very slow when it comes to working in real time. If you’re after something you can manipulate live, you’d be better served to look at how instances work.

Here’s your example changed over to instances as a work flow:
unique_scale.tox (2.72 KB)

Hey Matthew,

Thanks for your answer! Very clearly explained. I’m quite familiar with instancing but didn’t come up as a solution in my mind when thinking how to model this :stuck_out_tongue:

All the best,


Did a little more digging and got stamps working, sort of. I’m just not totally clear on how you use a unique stamp for each point. I’d guess you can store it as an attribute, I think that’s just a little tricky.
stamps.tox (2.62 KB)