Hey there,
I’m working for the technical staff for a drama group at my former high school here in Germany since a few years. Last week we did the lighting for their production of the Beggar’s Opera (which is called “Die Dreigroschen Oper” in German). We started brainstorming 4 month ago and decided to use a mix of classical production design and a big video-projection on top of it. We had a projection canvas in width of 9 meters and height of 4 meters. The whole rendering was done in TouchDesigner, the 3D-models were produced in blender (blender.org) . We had a 2PortNode by MA-Lighting that was sending DMX-IN through ArtNet, coming from the main light board, which was a GrandMa1 (also MA Lighting). This setup allowed us to fully control the complete lighting in the projected scenes, making it possible to synchronize the lighting colors and the lighting intensity of stage with the projected scene.
Here’s a complete time lapse of nearly all our lighting cue stages (Done in a spare minute before the actors performed on stage): [url]http://goo.gl/GP975x[/url]
It was our first work using TouchDesigner and a great experience. We had started having a lot of fun, when we realized, we could do it in this way. The whole act was a great success and our technical work was often commended. We are now planing to use TouchDesigner more often for theatrical productions