screen space scalar


I’d like to set a parameter an object based on how many pixels it is projected onto the screen. I want the radius of a limit SOP to cover no more than 5 pixels in width, but it can get as small as 1.

Is there a way to do that in Touch?


I didn’t understand very well…

like you want a SOP drawn inside 5x5 pixels?

if it’s this i know how you could do it… if not, write your question better, i didn’t understand it maybe.


hi there,

i attached a method to draw a SOP inside a 50x50 pixel.

you have to enstablish the size of your render, then apply a TOPconstant with the dimesions of pixels you want to (i used 50x50) then do your geometry that (by default) start from the center like the constant, then translate the COMPcamera on Z axis and try to calibrate your SOP with the rectangle drew by the TOPconstant.

Hope it will help you.

DrawSOPinside50x50pixels.toe (6.61 KB)

The Sprite SOP lets you weight between a constant-sized line/polygon in screen-space vs a perspective-correct size. You give it the camera you want use for the calculations. Unfortunately this gives strips instead of square or circular sprites.