Screengrab Resolution

I’m having trouble figuring out how to use the screengrab in the free version. I get that the max resolution is 1280x1280 but is there a way to capture my whole screen and downscale it to 1280x720?
I’m on 2019.20700 btw.

You can grab the whole screen just using the defaults (the defaults us 0-1 from edge to edge), and it will scale it down to fit within the 1280x1280 limits when using Non-Commercial.

If you want more control, check out the Fit TOP or Resolution TOP.

thats not how its working for me @ben , it only captures a small section of the bottom left of my screen even when at 0 to 1. Heres a screenshot of my main monitor and my second monitor with touchdesigner. I also have a third monitor and a projector that im not showing

Oh sorry, it really shouldn’t do that. I even went all the way back to 2019 build and checked on my laptop, and it captures the entire canvas and scales down.

You might check these things:

  • go down to 1 monitor and see if it works, so we can identify where the problem starts
  • then add one monitor at a time (maybe there is a upper limit you are hitting)
  • check that Display Scaling is the same for each monitor
  • change position of monitor relative to the others (if you are on a laptop optimus GPU systems cause weird issues sometimes with screengrab, for example the warning message I get with my setup)

What are the specs of your system out of curiosity?

Here is my 2560x1080 getting down-scaled to 1280x360 in build 2019.20700 (nvidia GTX1060).

Oh yeah @ben , I was wondering how to choose specific monitors to screengrab. Im not sure where that setting is. These are the only settings I see.

We’ve added a new option in our 40k experimental release (currently Windows only) to select a specific monitor from the parameters, but for now the only way to do it in the official release is to adjust the boundaries so they only include the dimensions of the monitor you want.

However, I think in this case ben was suggesting actually disabling your extra monitors in your system settings and trying to capture just one screen at first and then adding then re-enabling your extra screens.

Yeah exactly, start with 1 and see where it starts breaking down.

The Screengrab starts from the left most monitor in the bottom-left of the bounds.