ScreenGrab TOP resolution (how to fix in Free NonCommercial Edition Touch 088)?

Hi. I am trying to use the ScreenGrab TOP and I get a yellow triangle warning that i am limited to 1280 x 1280 resolution. My native monitor resolution is 2560x1600 (16:10 i think) and I need to know how to properly set my monitor and TOP so I can use what is onscreen with CHOPs and SOPs etc. barely scratched the surface of Touch and primarily have used Houdini 13 for very basic 3D work. Nvidia Quadro K4200 Graphics Card. 2 monitor setup with secondary monitor Wacom Cintiq at 1600x900 resolution max. (21 UX i think). the first time i used the TOP it showed my monitor in a skewed fashion with zebra stripes. when I laid down the 2nd Screen Grab TOP to reset everything it was black with the yellow warning. thanks in advance for your help.

The non commercial version ist limited to 1280x1280. You can:
-Reduce your screen resolution to 1280x800
-Define a Region of Interrest smaller then 1280x1280 in the ScreenGrab
-Use NDI Scan Converter to grab you screen and feed it in touch

All of the above will have that limitation. So truly work in you wanted resolution you will have to byte the apple and buy a propper license (commercial/educational)

Okay. Thanks for the tip. As it turns out when I reduced my screen res before and even just now I was only getting a black rectangle in the Screen Grab TOP. But that was in 088. I downloaded 2020/099 and it now works as expected. However I need some more guidance as to how to make this useful. In Houdini to analyze frames I could group by color after using a tex() expression in a Point SOP or as a faster way using an Attribute Wrangle SOP that someone just taught me about recently and then grouping by color from the Attribute Wrangle. I cannot find documentation on how to group by color in Touch. Any Ideas?

Basically I want to analyze a DJ application with the Screen Grab by using an atan2() expression to get rotation for a single point, to which I can copy geometry to . I want to drive animation or 3D objects based on the GUI of the DJ application (Serato)