Continuing from an old topic from the betaxx mailing list. Topic was “I need help fixing a problem” (from june 2007)
Basically this reply from Malcolm described the problem I was/am facing
So I’m still getting flickers in my render due to above behavior and as I can’t control everything through expressions, I somehow need to use scripts for “frame accurate” stuff. (For countless hours I tried introducing artificial dependencies, and what not, but can’t get rid of the flickering).
So I’m wondering if it would be possible to get a run command option which would force
the script to run
a: on the next frame (-f 1)
b: before everything else cooks on that frame?
I just made it so delayed scripts have a high priority now so they will be one of the first things that run at the start of a new frame. Other things may cook before, but they are some *In nodes (Touch In set to global) and the Perform DAT, so that should still be fine.
You wont have any control over the order in which the scripts run though, but hopefully that won’t be an issue.
wow, thanks Malclom! Made my day. Finally no more flickering, I hope. I’ll let you now how it works when the next experimental build is released.
Hope it wasn’t too much work. Thanks again