Select CHOP - CHOP field


I’m trying to follow along this tutorial and I got stuck at the showed step : Export a CHOP to a CHOP field of a CHOP Select op. I get this error message :

Warning: Invalid path for node “xxxxx” referenced by parameter CHOP

I tried from a CHOP in the same container but same issue. The video is 2 years old, has the behaviour changed or am I doing something wrong ?

Thank you

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

What Matthew is showing in the video is referencing a CHOP operator in the CHOP parameter of the Select CHOP. So what you want to do is drag the CHOP as a whole - not the channel - to create this reference. Have a look at the section of the video again and see how the CHOP Matthew is dragging has the active flag disabled (the green border is still around the operator).

Exporting is being done when you want to control a numeric parameter with a channel’s value. A reference, such as required by the Select CHOP’s CHOP parameter, expects a path to an operator of the CHOP family.

Hope this helps

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Got it ! That was it. I’m maybe not familiar enough with the core concepts for this video. I’ll go back to see the basics for a bit. Thanks a lot :slight_smile: