Select Dat filters table by col[0] value

I tried to find an answer for this question everywhere. although it seems trivial I couldn’t find a way to do it.
I have a multi entry table DAT which I am filling dynamically, and I am adding a select DAT, and chose to Select Rows By Condition. I want to select all the rows whose values in column 0 (the ID column) is equal to a specific value.

id length channel name
1 20 5 enrt 1
2 30 4 enrt 2
3 10 2 enrt 5

when I wrtite me.inputCell.val == “1” in the condition expression in the select DAT, it returns the first and third row, cos it find the “1” in 10 at the 3rd entry.

so I need to write something that looks like this
me[*,0].val == “1” or me.col[0].val == 1 but obviously this syntax does not work


Condition is a great approach if you want to write a regular expression, if you’re just matching by an id value / number, you can use Select by Values instead. Take a look at this example to see how that works:
base_select_by_values.tox (550 Bytes)

Is that what you’re after, or am I misunderstanding what you need?

This works perfectly, but does it match against the value of the first col because we said “from column” = 0?
cos if I put column 2 instead then the search wouldn’t work

From column is the column that it matches against.

Checking the data here, there’s extra white space in column 2. If you remove the extra space it should work as expected.

Alternatively, if you use * you can expand your results to return even if there is white space. So, instead of 2 for the Row Select Values, you’d use 2*. The catch here is that it will match 2 as the first character, then any character afterwards. 2* as a select value will return both 2 and 25 or 2f.

perfect. Thanks a lot for your help