Hi, Im trying to use the Select DAT to extract specific rows from the input DAT. Im guessing I need to use ‘Extract Rows’ = ‘by Specific Values’. Im not quite sure what I need to put in the ‘Selected Row Values’ field. Specifically I’d like to extract all rows where the column 2 or column 3 values are not equal to 0. Thanks for the help.
hope this helps
filter.tox (726 Bytes)
Hi Achim, thanks for the reply. The .tox you linked shows col2 != 0 AND col3 != 0. I’m trying to find col2 != 0 OR col3 != 0. Which I’d imagine requires being able to reference both columns in the same expression. I’m not sure if its possible with the select DAT.
Hi Paul,
in the attached component I’m replacing cell values by referencing columns via the vc() expression.
The vc() expression checks if column “b” or “c” is equal 0 and if true replaces its contents with nothing.
The next step is to only select rows in a Select DAT where there is some value in it. This is done by the regular expression
Hope that helps
filter.tox (726 Bytes)
Hey Markus. Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for.