I am new to the program and I don’t understand neither it nor coding very well, and my ideas seem to go beyond my skills, but the project was approved and now I am tearing my hair out cause I don’t understand how to do it
The project is basically “click LMB or RMB to uncover an image below”. The cleaning function is done, I just need the randomly picked image from the folder each time the image is reset to fully obscured(the obscuring and reset part works too, just need a randomness part)
Tried my best, but the deadline is next thursday and I have other projects where I can make real progress instead of walking in circles, so if anyone can help, please do, I have attached my current project, it’s a bit messy due to the previous attempts of doing parts for the project
When I’ve done this, I’ve used the Folder DAT. That makes it pretty easy to select a row from the table and then reference that row in a Movie File In TOP. You can use a noise CHOP and a feedback CHOP as a simple RNG where clicking a mouse button would hit the “pulse” on the feedback CHOP to freeze a selection.
the Sort DAT has a Random Option which, with the right settings, randomizes the input but keeps the first row (the header) intact. You can now animate the Seed parameter to randomize the output with every keyboard click utilizing the Count CHOP:
You helped me so much, I was eventually able to figure it out with your help. It worked, but the program was HORRIBLY laggy. I managed to solve it with a help of my tutor. We removed auto-refresh from MovieFileIn TOPs, and instead linked those to the same button that refreshes the image to become blurry again. This loads the new image too, and we also lowered the size of the table following the sort, so only the first image was loaded without any extra lag
Thank you so very much, I may not be the best, but I think I understand this program that little bit more now <3