Hello everyone, I’ve been working with instances (based on CHOP samples) and I wanted to find out how I can select certain instance samples, so I can differentiate certain parts of the instanced geometry.
For example in the project I am working (which is based on the Simon’s amazing tutorial Looping Noise Part 2: Infinite Tunnel Zoom (TouchDesigner Tutorial) - YouTube ), I wanted to select the samples that are close to my camera position and make changes on them (eg make the color of the geometry follow the camera).
I am pretty bad at explanations so the picture bellow illustrates exactly what I want to achieve and the tox file is organized accordingly.
selecting certain parts of incanced geometry.toe (9.1 KB)
Another question that I had is also if I can differentiate not only the color and scale with in this way but also the material. (can I have 2 materials on the instances that change according to some parameter, like the camera position?).
Thanks in advance!