rookie question but this kinda confuses me.
what is the difference between the green node selection and the yellow one (I’m talking about the green and yellow outlines on selected nodes). Why do they both exist?
rookie question but this kinda confuses me.
what is the difference between the green node selection and the yellow one (I’m talking about the green and yellow outlines on selected nodes). Why do they both exist?
When it is outline in green it means that this is the active node that you have selected. ie the one you are currently working with. a yellow node is when you are selecting multiple nodes but its not the active node that you are have selected
perhaps this is more an RFE than a question It bugs me that the active node stays active even when I select a bunch of other nodes, to say… delete them. I’m often losing nodes I don’t want to because the active node stays active.
+1 for that gripe. not sure what the best alternative is…
…maybe that one of the selected nodes is always automatically current but the current node is not automatically selected.
currently, it’s easy to delete stuff and not know it until too late.