Selecting RFID values


I have created a network that reads serial data from an RFID usb reader and I want to trigger a different video for each tag read - 3 in total - (with a value increasing opacity for fading in effect). I assume this needs a script in the DAT to CHOP? I am not very familiar with Python and any help would be greatly appreciated… :confused:

I attach my network with an example of what I aim to do using the keyboard keys instead of the serial data.
Sbtrial.2.toe (479 KB)

This would be incredibly useful as a trigger. Does anyone have any experience with RFID in TD??

I edited your file in 088, but here is what I did.

You example works fine - it fades the movie when key is pressed, and fades the movie out when the key is released.

If you add an export of the same filtered channel to the Play parameter, it will keep the other movies paused so there is only two movie playing at most. (You can also send the Filter to a Logic CHOP to give you a 0 or 1, then export that to the Speed parameter.)

There is another version in the file that does not reload the movie (reloading may take 1-100 msec each time depending on where the movie is), but it exports instead to the Cue parameter: Your Filter CHOP goes into a default Logic CHOP and that goes into a Math CHOP that inverts the 0-1 values, then it’s exported to the Cue parameter. So when the movie is idle, it cues at the beginning right after it finishes playing.

There are so many ways to do things in TouchDesigner depending on what you need to optimize. Here’s where your component can end up:

If you have lots of RFIDs, say 100+, and say there are 100+ movies, you may run out of graphics memory, so you may need to be unloading movies that are not playing (currently with a script command). But this may be better:

You have a table containing one movie name per RFID. You have one Movie In TOP that has an expression in its File parameter that points to the row in the table of the currently-active RFID. When the RFID changes, the Movie In TOP’s File parameter changes and because you have a fade-up in your filter, it will appear fine. If you want to fade one movie out and fade one in as you have now, you need 2 Movie In TOPs and some logic to switch back and forth.
Sbtrial.7.toe (480 KB)


thanks a lot for the explanation. I cannot open your file with 077, it crashes every time I try to open it. Is it possible to upload a 077 version? Many thanks for your help…

Unfortunately the 088 format is incompatible with 077, so the only way to make a 077 version would be to cut+paste all the parameter settings by hand.
However, you can always download a non commercial version of 088 now in order to examine and reproduce in your own files.

Ah, ok. Perhaps then a screenshot would be equally helpful. Unfortunately my graphics card does not support 088 non-commercial…

This is working great with keyboard 1,2 and 3 inputs but how can the DatTo (RFID) trigger the KeyboardIn CHOP?