Hi !
Hope you are all doing well !
Currently, i’m working on a project when I try to reproduce this type of cool effects on LEDs
https ://vimeo.com/790111778?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=5532482
(This is pretty enormous, i’m trying with less LEDs).
The final idea is to send continuous images (or signals) from Touch, that i’ll reproduce on LEDs, (with controlling each lead independently).
I’ve found great ressources like this one, but still not sure about the Hardware of it : https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShYYcr30vJw&t=1149s
I’ve followed pretty much two ways of sending datas :
Right now, I don’t know what code I have to write in Arduino IDE to send some Touch data into Arduino, and so, Leds. Have you any ideas or ressources ?
As Touch as a “DMX OUT” Chop, sending data seems easy, but could cost a lot with DMX and Art-net Hardware. Have you tried this ? Did you use some special DMX Adressable leds ?
There could be a third way of doing it, by mixing Arduino with DMX Shield, but I don’t find enough ressources about it.
I’m really gratefull if you read this, and if you have any infos !
Have a nice day