I made a Touchdesigner Sensel Morph CHOP. It reads out the raw contact info from the Sensel Morph. You can find the code and the compiled version(PC only) here.
This is meant to be a starting point for anybody who wants to work with Sensel Morph’s raw data.
I am only pulling out the contact point(s) info. If you want the force image(aka force array), please modify the code accordingly. Though, a Sensel Morph TOP would be more useful in that situation.
Currently, the custom operator will spit out all contact points, x, y, force, area, peak force, bounding box, etc.
Do NOTE: Sensel Morph works with (0,0) in the TOP-LEFT. If you need to change this coordinate system, please use the dimension info from the Info DAT to remap the coordinates.