Seperate frames of video input to walk through in VR

Hey all!

I’m an artist from the Netherlands mostly working with (interactive) installations that revolve somehow around the concept of time. I’m researching a new project where I take the dimension of time in film and let users walk through it in VR. I want to that by separating all the frames of a life video input and place them behind each other on the Z-axis in 3D-space, allowing the user to go back or forth in time by walking through the planes.

I realize that a constant update of frames may be a bit excessive and computational heavy so I want to work with short recordings with an interval of say 10 seconds.

I’m guessing I’ll have to store all the frames in an array or a list and from there somehow reference them to a fixed number of planes or textures. Banging them every X time to update.

But I’m having kinda blank-canvas syndrome where I can’t find a good resource to start build on. Therefor I am invoking the knowledge of the community, does someone have some good tips or pointers to where I can start?

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,
