serial chop commands

I’m attempting to control on/off of a projector via usb->rs232 adapter using a serial chop. I have the code for ‘power off’ listed as ‘02H 01H 00H 00H 00H 03H’ in the projector’s manual. When I input this into the script0 parameter and send to the port nothing happens. Should I be reformatting this code somehow? or is there something else I’m missing? Thanks.

Unfortunately the Serial CHOP strings only send ascii messages.
You should instead use a Serial DAT with a sendBytes command: … Serial_DAT

in your case:

n = op('serial1') #point to your DAT n.sendBytes(0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03)

As to how to trigger the above script, depends on whether its UI button driven etc.
You may investigate using the CHOP Execute DAT to send those lines when a channel value goes from 0 to 1. (OffToOn) … eDAT_Class

thanks, it works. I did have to change the baud rate to 38400 also.

I’m now trying to get this to work with the actual projector we’re using for the project, an Epson EB-G6750wunl. The ‘ascii’? command code is simply listed as “PWR ON” and “PWR OFF” but sending that through the serial chop has no effect. I did get my little Optoma projector working with the serial chop and the code “~0000 0”. Not sure what else I should be trying at this stage. Should I again be using the serial DAT instead? If so how do I convert the commands? Thanks.