Serial DAT to Movie File In index

I’m trying to connect a Serial DAT to a Movie File In index, I have and Arduino connected that gives me a value as I rotate an encoder. I have a DAT to CHOP after the serial DAT. But when I drag the CHOP value to the Movie File In top the index it exports but doesn’t seem to be doing anything. It pastes datto1:(number from the Serial DAT) into the index. I’m just trying to move through frames of animation with an Arduino encoder.

Hi there,
I have attached an example.
You will need to substitute that Table1 with your Serial DAT.

Have a look and let me know if anything is not clear!

Serial DAT to Movie File Index.toe (3.7 KB)

Thanks FaustoB! That worked! I’m now able to animate my video with the encoder.

Hi Fausto, I’m not sure if you know how to do fix this but you were an amazing help with the encoder so I thought I would ask. I’m having issues setting up CamSchnapper. I’m having a few issues. When I import my FBX container that is holding the Geo node it also has a node called touchtextures. when I try to copy the Geo node like the tutorial I loose the geometry. Also in the CamSchnapper node I can’t link the Geo SOP and the Render TOP is replaced by Project. Does anyone know how I’m suppose to set this up? Any help would be amazing! Thanks!

Hey there, unfortunately I am not very familiar with CamSchnapper.