I would like to set and output the “selected” value of a Table COMP (table1) by sending an int to it.
The use case is to set and output a preset in my system, but not with a mouse click on the COMP element… rather with some sort of external data I have flowing in TD.
Is this possible? I saw another example somewhere on the forum where the target was isolated like the following:
Looks to me like the function “clickID” would be a more direct way to click on a tableCOMP cell. I’d experiment with that. Docs here: tableCOMP Class - Derivative.
Use an exec DAT of some kind to react to your incoming data.
that totally worked. Ugh I think I have some grandiose misunderstandings about the way that functions work with COMPs. For whatever reason I assumed that a COMP was not the same as an OPerator, so it couldn’t have local functions or be considered a class.
This leads me to new questions:
how can I learn more about my ability as the user to control things about a given COMP, OP, or object in TD? Does literally everything have the ability to be controlled and/or accessed in Python?
How do these functions work with a comp like the tableCOMP? Is it actually a special type of operator or can I set up functions for any comp that I make as well? If so I would be curious to learn more about that. The tableCOMP class page is certainly useful- thanks for that. I hadn’t even checked the python page for it.
You can click on the Python symbol in the parameter dialog top left to get Python help for any operator. That’s how you can see all the built in members and functions.
If you want to make your own members and functions for a component, use extensions. Extensions - Derivative