With active, and efficient dynamic network building, one has to be aggressive about modifying default operators to fit their current need on a regular basis. An alternative to setting up each base point for an op every time you birth one is to remember where common pre configured nodes are in your specific network and copy / paste them, or by flooding your own personal pallet with favorite versions.
Ive found that these approaches become very tedious and can falter efficient flow-state network building “zones”. I propose that in future releases one could perhaps set up their own easy to recall way of changing an ops birth state… I propose 2 potential depths of such a feature are possible:
1 - Right click and “Set user default op birth state”
This would mean that at any point one could right click an op and all the par and settings would be loaded in the the user based default birth state storage for that type of operator.
2 - The latter feature could be expanded upon by making the state its own potential “user default” storage where one would have their own specific access as an alternate to the Derivative default birth state… so for example after setting your “user default state” as mentioned above, when the op selection menu is open, if you hold “alt” as you click or press enter after typing an op name… it with birth that op with your user distinguished default birth states, and if alt is not held as it is birthed it is the Derivative default.
I do not believe this hotkey combo is in use at this time while birthing ops, so this opportunity is ripe.
Thank you for listening!