Setting Timer Length when Triggered

Hey guys. I have a table of values, let’s say 5 and 10. I want to update timer’s length when it reaches to done. I thought I could do it using python scripts but apparently it is not possible, I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/project1/timer1_callbacks”, line 68, in onDone
TypeError: ‘td.constantCHOP’ object does not support item assignment
python >>>

How can I achieve this? I thought maybe I could do it with a switch but I don’t understand how to trigger it when timer reaches to done and then they set the timer’s length and then activate init and start? If I could update it on onDone method it would work probably fine… I’d be really helpful if you can help.

I solved this by making the timer update a counter and grab what I need from datto by updating the start end indexes

Do you know all the lengths before you start the first one? If so, use a Segment table. See OP Snippets for examples.