Setting up a Projector


I jut got a new projector and am trying to output video from Touch. When I open up the window placement utility for some reason I don’t see the tabs for alternate monitors like I see in the tutorial videos. Is there a setup area I am missing?

I can output to my projector by creating a window node and selecting the monitor output to “1.” Is this the correct way to output video? I was under the impression that the correct method is to drag and drop the node I wish to output to the monitor name in the window placement screen (alt+w).

Using the Window COMP is the correct way to work now. The tutorial videos are using older builds in some cases.

Gotchya. Thanks!

Hey! I had the same problem and solved it with the window comp… now…
the other problem that I have now… ( I dont know if I’m doing something wrong) … is that I cant get rid of the borders, My projector wont show a full screen of my output… I have to drag the window to my projector screen and windows automatically makes it “full screen” but with the borders in it… I saw in one of the tutorials that you just had to set which monitor you want to use (1,2,3) and it opens it in full screen… how do I get that with out draging the window??? I have windows set to display a extended desktop… do I need to clone the monitor 1??


You have the borders parameter set to off right? Its in the window COMP’s parameters

yup I have borders off and window full screen…

Hmm, is it possible for you to post a sample .toe file for us to look at?