Shadertoy JFA Video Filter GLSL

Hello everyone,

I am working on porting a Shadertoy project -
Preformatted textShader - Shadertoy BETA
and trying to port it into touchdesigner for live works.
But I’ve gotten shaders compiled properly, but just can’t get the same effect as reflected.
And I am not sure where has i made mistakes in regards to connections.
qwty-DELAUNAY.2.toe (8.0 KB)
here’s the file, and please advise on my mistakes.
Thanks Heaps.

Hi poofdoof,
beside the correct conversions and connections from ShaderToy to Touchdesigner, for that specific shader you need to put your TOPs to 32bit float and make sure that you have wrap settings for the UV GLSL TOPs set to Hold.

Here you can find my porting of the code: Github - JFA Video Filter GLSL

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thanks, i will try that.