Silly question about opcp

want to copy my GLOBAL/UI/LIB/BUTTON component, to the root / and call it dcjnk.

my current component path is /

opcp /GLOBAL/UI/LIB/BUTTON dcjnk - does nothing
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/LIB/BUTTON . - creates /BUTTON, as one would expect
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/BUTTON /dcjnk - creates /BUTTON

can you explain in detail how to use opcp - it’s silly but there’s either a bug or I don’t get what should be a simple behavior.


I take it back:


creates /GLOBAL/UI/LIB/dcjnk

which is a questionable behavior, unlike regular copy functionality, but still…

why does


creates /BUTTON ?

It’s just about to get a small overhaul because, yes, its follows some strange rules and is buggy.

In the current released version doing:
will create /GLOBAL/UI/LIB/BUTTON/dcjnk, regardless of what your current component path is. This is obviously nonsense so it’s going to change.

In the upcoming versions (Im going to do this change today)
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/BUTTON dcjnk - Will create dcjnk in whatever the current component path is
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/BUTTON . - will create a node named BUTTON in whatever the current component path is (as it does now)
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/BUTTON /dcjnk - will create a new node /dcjnk
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/BUTTON /dcjnk/ - will create a new node /dcjnk/BUTTON (assuming dcjnk already exists, otherwise it’ll error)
opcp /GLOBAL/UI/BUTTON /dcjnk/newname - will create a new node /dcjnk/newname (assuming dcjnk already exists, otherwise it’ll error)

thanks -

btw when’s the new release coming? Anything past 901 I should be downloading? There are so many bug fixes after 901… I can’t wait!

I spoke with Greg last night and he mentioned you guys are shooting for touch 69? Will we see interim releases of 68 until 69 is done?


I think the goal is to get another 068 out soon.

Hey malcolm,

while you overhaul opcp, would it be possible to introduce filters? I mean
opcp /complib/mycomp^UI /test/mycomp

If possible, I’d actually like to exclude multiple components from the copy
opcp /complib/mycomp^UI,ADMIN,FOO /test/mycomp
