Simplifying overly complicated ramp data


I’m trying to get 24 individual rgb values from a ramp who’s phase is influenced by 24 other (‘Position’) values.

Currently I’m doing this by have 24 identical ramps and referencing each of the Position values to each ramp phase. I’m reasonably happy with this but I’m sure there’s a better way.

Can anyone suggest a better approach?

This is my first post so I cant attached the example file.


A simpler way might be to convert to DATs if you can and use it, if I’m understanding what you’re doing.

Thanks for your reply, I’ll investigate how this might work with DATs. I’m still not allowed to post the example file, which would explain this better.


Aha! I can post files now,

example.2.toe (6.6 KB)

if you look at that little purple box on the lower right of a ramp, you’ll expose the DAT that is responsible for handling RGBA and position for each key in the ramp. You should be able to get the functionality you are looking for by assembling your own DAT formatted after this template, and replacing the reference in the rampTOP with this one to specify how it behaves

Thanks for the reply, I’m aware of the ramp keys DAT. I just don’t understand the logic that’s needed to get to what I need. I guess I’m trying to get the RGBA value of 24 separate pixels whose position in the ramp is base on 24 separate input values. I cant figure out how to do this without having 24 separate ramps which are all phasing independently.

Thanks for the help so far. I’ll keep trying to figure out how I would do this with DATs.

I think I’ve done it using a chop Lookup rather than going down the DAT route, using the Position values as the first input and the Ramp topto as the second.

With a little tweaking I think this will be perfect.

Thanks all.