simulated pop-up book - where to start ?

HI all, I want to try making some interactive pop-up books.
for inspiration:
but I want to start with something simple, say two rectangles representing the book pages and tow other rectangles that are joined to the book pages in a way that they fold flat when ‘closed’ and stand up when open.

can’t seem to remember how to rig bones up in Touch - or do I have to reinstall version 017 for that? :frowning:


Last time I checked out rigging. I had to import a model with bones from Maya (or most other 3d animation apps). I think this is the way it is now intended to be used.


I think its pretty simple to get the effect with geometry transforms. heres an example
book.toe (7.19 KB)

thanks James, I think I’ll use that method a lot in this. I’m trying to get more hinged folds going on though so I tohught the inverse kinematics might make that ‘easier’. Here’s my first go at it.
popup_bookTest.10.toe (7.86 KB)

I know it’s for AR, so you don’t need a model of the book
but I’ve sketched a page-flipping-effect.tox that could be useful:
Book_page_flip.tox (20.8 KB)

@Felix, that’s gorgeous! I recommend beginners take a look to see how one can go about modelling in Touch without the modeler tool (still not very usable without undo).

I used the bone state in the geometry viewer to set up the bones roughly where they should be. then I changed the translations of the root and end of the IK chain so they are children of the book ‘pages’.

I figure that I can just make more 2-bone chains to represent each paper fold. (new example coming soon).


Here I’ve added another two-bone IK chain to the previous one. I think I’ll go to a kids’ bookshop and get some pop-up books. I saw some insane ones in Japan last year. My 3-year-old boy can destroy them in an amazingly short time though!
Rodney_popup_book_two_folds.tox (6.35 KB)


I should get back to this project and make it more functional.

But going back to Pop-ups… there’s this proj for editing a certain fold-type of pop-ups:
Pop_up_Book_App_Felix.toe (6.12 MB)