SLI Mosaic System Recommendation

I’m putting together a system for a projection mapping project involving at least three projectors. I’d like to use a single machine, running windows 7, with two Nvidia Quadro Graphics cards linked with SLI Mosaic. What combination of computer and Nvidia Quadro cards do you recommend?

In an older post there is a recommendation for Boxx systems but they are not quadro sli certified according to the Nvidia ( … stems.html).

Is the Quadro 5000 the entry level card for SLI Mosaic?

Thanks for the advice,


For SLI Mosiac you’ll want to use one of the Certified Systems, not a Boxx (can you point me to where you read you should use a Boxx so I can correct it?)
We’ve used the HP Z800 with great success on a recent project using two Quadro 6000s outputting a total resolution of 4480x4480 at 30FPS.
I wouldn’t go below a Quadro 5000 for SLI Mosaic, especially if you need the outputs to be in sync (Quadro 4000 doesn’t guarantee that I think)

Thanks Malcolm.

The post referring to the boxx system for general system recommendations and is from 2009.

[Recommended hardware configurations)